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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




Cash Transfer to Persons with Disabilities, Nationwide in Sierra Leone.

National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) gave Cash Transfer to Persons with Disabilities.

The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) is a government entity that was established by an Act of Parliament in Sierra Leone. This institution came into existence after the Civil War in Sierra Leone and it has been taking care of War Wounded, Amputees, Women who lost their husband during the Civil War.
This time around, National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) gave Cash Transfer to Persons with Disabilities nationwide. The initiative came from government through the Social Safety Net (SSN) that caters extremely poor people and Persons with Disabilities (Vulnerability).
As Corona Virus has made the world difficult for most vulnerable people, the Government of Sierra Leone provided Cash Transfer to Persons with Disabilities during the two times lock down in Sierra Leone. The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) gave 25kg of rice to Persons with Disabilities and le 250,000 Cash Transfer and this was done during first three days lock down (19-21, April, 2020) to observe the COVID 19 stay at home in Sierra Leone.
The second three days lock down (3-5, May, 2020) came with le 250,000 to Persons with Disabilities of which they appreciated it so much.
The Government of Sierra Leone has initiated a scheme for extremely poor people and Persons with Disabilities nationwide and this will be done through the Social Safety Net. Both government and development partner contributed towards this scheme financially.
Written by : James Abraham George.

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