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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




Freedom of Opinion & Access to Information Technology for Poeple With Disability’s

According to Article 21 of the UNCRPD: States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise the right to freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas on an equal basis with others and through all forms of communication of their choice

the uncrpd article 21 Over a long period of time, PWD’s have been marginalized when it comes to access to information and expression of opinion in the Republic of Liberia. For instance, through all forms of conceivable media the entire world is becoming a global village but unfortunately the blind do not have access to newspapers because these are not transcribed into Braille and the deaf cannot understand what is being said on TV because there is no professional sign language interpreters. And the physically challenged cannot access the facilities to participate in called Town Hall meetings due to lack of ramps or elevators. As so, their voices cannot be heard and not to mention lack of assistive devices such as hearing aids for Hard-of-hearing persons, digital lenses for visually-impaired and electronic wheelchairs for wheelchair users. Since 2018, 95% of pwd’s have been denied these fundamental freedoms and well-meaning INGO wishing to bring in these devices are charged heavy taxes by the Government thus making them very expensive and even impossible for PWD’s to financially afford them.

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