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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




National Forum on Integration of Equity and Inclusion in the Provision of Drinkable Water, Hygiene and Sanitation

In the view of the foregoing, the civil society, with the involvement of the public services concerned and the support of certain technical and financial partners, has decided to organize a national forum on the integration of equity, Inclusion in the supply of drinkable water, hygiene and sanitation.

1. General objective :
Contribute in taking into account the needs of people with disabilities in projects and programs for the supply of drinkable water, hygiene and sanitation in Mali.
2. Specific objectives :
 Get decision-makers to apply the signed and ratified conventions and the adopted apolicies and programs
 Inform participants about the National Solidarity Policy and the program for Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) ;
 Strengthen participants’ knowledge on rights, equity and inclusion (D, E & I) approaches ;
 Share appropriate approaches and technologies for the integration of disabled people needs into supply of drinkable water, hygiene and sanitation.
 identify new avenues of action taking greater account of needs and strategic interests of vulnerable people for more social justice and inclusion.
3- Expected results :
 May Policy makers commit to implementing signed and ratified conventions and adopted policies and programs ;
 May Participants informed about the National Solidarity Policy and the program for Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) ; Participants’ knowledge of D, E & I approaches is improved ;
 Appropriate approaches and technologies for integrating the needs of people with disabilities into supply of drinkable water, hygiene and sanitation are shared and pooled ;
 Identify New ways of taking action taking greater account the needs and strategic interests of vulnerable people for more justice and social inclusion

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