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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




Togo : Sensitization of disabled women and mothers of disabled children in the Zio prefecture

An awarness-raising activity has been organized for disabled people and their inclusion in the society on january 22, 2020 in Togo at Tsévié by the project (APROFEHTO) with the financial support from BMZ and CBM and the technical support from GAPHAMOT

This awareness activity whith the participation of the representative of the prefect of Zion, enabled disabled women and mothers of disabled children in the Tsévié area to be able to participate actively and equitably in activities within their communities. .

Women with disabilities as well as mothers of children with disabilities in Zio prefecture are particularly vulnerable social groups threatened by poverty. They lack the financial means to initiate income-generating activities to support themselves and their children. The Lack of access to rehabilitation and health services that often worsens the situation of women with disabilities. Most of the time they are excluded not only from existing savings groups, but also from social activities in their communities, since they are seen as a burden on the community. The Society does not believe their capacity of leading an independent life. In addition, they are often excluded from community decision-making processes that are taken within grassroots development organizations in the villages.

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