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West African Regional Portal on the Rights of People with Disabilities




Togo / the CNT / EPT educates parents of students on the importance of children with disabilities schooling

In Togo, the National Coalition for Education for All of Togo (CNT / EPT) promotes access for all to quality education. A difficult goal to achieve without the involvement of parents. While some of them are reluctant on children with disabilities schooling, . As part of its contribution to achieving SDG 4, it sensitizes on the importance of children with disabilities schooling.

The meeting, held on July 29 and 30, is part of the Education Out Loud / (EOL) program, managed by OXFAM-IBIS. The aim was to strengthen the capacities of these parents on the importance of the education of children with disabilities, to enlighten them on their missions, roles and responsibilities in this area.
“This workshop gave participants the necessaries tools for a content-rich and effective awareness. We thank them for having accepted to work for the education of all children with disabilities in all communities despite their disability, "said Eyissi EGBENYIMON, representative of the Board of Directors of the CNT / EPT.

The CNT / EPT is contributing alongside the government for inclusive education in Togo in accordance with SDG4 according to its coordinator, Marcel TOYI. "We are involved in the Education Out Loud / Education aloud (EOL) program, to provide parents with the necessary information on the importance of schooling for all children in general and those with disabilities in particular" , he said.
The two days of training were an opportunity for participants to learn about the basic notions of the rights of children with disabilities to schooling and to an environment free from violence.

SDG 4 aims to “ensure equal access to quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities” by 2030. The goal has ten targets to guide countries on the path to transformation towards a sustainable education agenda.
Let’s all work for the effectiveness of an inclusive education in Togo!

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