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Portal Regional da África Ocidental sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiências




Training of health providers on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the provision of HIV services, from September to November 2018.

12 sessions to build capacity through information, training and awareness sessions for 300 health actors in 2018 as part of Project V IH and Handicap.

To awake health providers awareness on making the environment of health services inclusive and give the appropriate tools to people with disabilities , the HIV and Disability Project, through 4 trainners, managed 12 training sessions for 297/300 health providers during the period of septmeber in October 2018.
During these trainings, trainers developed themes based on human rights approaches to disability, inclusion through the involvement of the human rights-based approach, the basic concept of CRPD for the effective participation of persons with disabilities in the society on an equal basis, on the purpose and principles of CRPD, especially the concept of all rights for all persons with disabilities, on the realization of persons disabilities rights, by taking into account their specific needs, their implications and their full participation in the life of society, on the 8 essential actions to promote in order to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the provision of HIV services and the link between HIV and disability.
The trainers, to perpetuate achievement , used as teaching tools the guide and the film on 8 essential actions. This has no doubt facilitated the understanding.
thanks to Regional HIV and Disability Project, the Convention on Persons with Disabilities rights through its article 25, the care of persons with disabilities in Niger, at least in the area of AIDS, will tend towards an improvement.
For the year 2019, the remaining 200 health providers will be trained in the future

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