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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




A Gist of Accessibility in Ghana.

The Ghana disability act 715 was promulgated in 2006 to breach the existing long exclusion of persons with disabilities in the Ghanaian society.

Section 6 and 7 which talks on accessibility to the built environment, information and communication are and key component of the act. Also embedded in CRPD article nine remains unattended to. There is limited knowledge and implementation by duty bearers and enforcement is very minimal.

The moratorium elapsed in 2014 yet the Legislative Instrument to operationalize the act is yet to be developed. Building code and accessibility standards to guide developers has been developed but remains at shelves gathering dust.

Pwds continue to suffer exclusion and rejection as most buildings especially the public one remains inaccessible. The situation has posted pwds jobless, immovable and isolated from social and political participation

Wrapping up, the government should set up the implementation and monitoring committee as stipulated in the CRPD article 33 to ensure the enforcement of the act 715 and the CRPD. PWDS should intensify advocacy on the act and the convention

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