Persons with disabilities in Ghana still face challenges in exercising their rights, especially the right to be recognized in society and seek legal support in addressing legal issues. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities require that State Parties recognizes persons with disabilities as equal citizens before the law and provide legal support to enable them exercise their legal capacities.
Ghana signed onto the UNCRP in 2007 followed by ratification in 2012, affirming its commitment to ensuring recognition and protection of the Rights of persons with disabilities in Ghana. The passage of the Persons with Disability Act, 2006 (Act 715) further affirms the commitment of Ghana’s government to disability inclusion. It provides for the improvement of life of persons with disability (PWDs) to be part of mainstream society and to enjoy equal right like other all citizens.
Government has however been criticized on for the non-implementation of its commitment to ensuring that persons with disabilities enjoy their rights fully. Physical accessibility to legal centres and affording legal services still remain a challenge for PWDs in Ghana.
Government therefore needs to take proactive measures to ensure the implementation of the legal frameworks to enable PWDs enjoy their rights.