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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




Let’s talk about “deafblindness” red and white cane.

Deafblindness means: Deafblind. The person with this impairment is doubly disabled Cumulative impairment of hearing and vision, these two main senses are affected together

Impairment which is still little known. Lack of awareness of its specific reality often penalizes the adequate care of people who are "deafblind".
Furthermore, what makes deafblindness special is that sight and hearing are the two senses called "sense of distance" which allow us to enter into relation with the material world, the human environment, life social and cultural.
This disability is very complex by the fact that there are several types :
 Deaf and visually impaired
 Blind and hard of hearing
 Hard of hearing and visually impaired
 More rarely, deafblind.
To communicate, there are several methods, either :
1. The Lorm : alphabet described inside the hand, (mainly the left hand)
1. Uppercase touchscreen writing and numbers in the palm of your hand
1. Oral language depending on the equipment of the person concerned
1. Tactile sign language
1. LPC = Completed Language Spoken
1. Haptic, a complementary method using tactile signals on the hand, forearm, arm, shoulder or upper back.
To recognize that a person is not only blind but also deaf, Several countries have approved the "Red and white cane" indicating that the person has double sensory disability.

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