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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




Mali : Restitution of the Bridge Training, FEMAPH was at the appointment

The Training of leaders of organizations of disabled people in Mali on the BRIDGE from 07 to 09 September 2020 at the DAFINA hotel in Bamako.

The Capacity Building Program for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in West Africa (PROGRECIPH), funded by the European Union has initiated the “Bridge” training which seeks to bridge the gap between human rights and inclusive development. This training, which makes the link between the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aims to strengthen the capacities of leaders of regional DPOs by making them able to use the CRPD as an analysis tool of public policies and the 2030 Agenda (SDGs).
Module 1 of the Francophone West Africa Bridge session took place in November 2019 in Niamey. Twenty-two (22) participants from the 8 Francophone West African countries attended this first session. In turn, these module 1 participants must duplicate the training received in Niamey, for the benefit of their peers in their different countries.
It is within the framework of the implementation of these activities that the Malian Federation of People with Disabilities (FEMAPH) initiated this BRIDGE training, link between the CRPD and the SDGs.
The general objective is to set up, at the level of the Malian Federation of People with Disabilities (FEMAPH), a critical mass of people able to use the CRPD as a tool for analyzing public policies and carrying out actions. effective advocacy for inclusive development.
During the 3 days of the training, the participants mastered the 8 (eight) principles of the CRPD, the 17 (seventeen) SDGs as well as the link between them.

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