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Narrative report covering the period : May-July 2019

In the agreement signed between the Liberia Election Observation Network-LEON by and through the Liberia Crusaders for Peace-LCP on behave of the Network and the Swedish Government through The Carter Center requires that LEON provides a narration of its activities covering a two months period. Consistent with the agreement, LEON has narrated its activities over the implementation of the project.

In preparation of the project start, the steering committee of the Liberia Election Observation Network-LEON undertook series of different activities intended to well structure the project outlook and to achieve desirable outcomes. The development of the project was participatory with each member of the team contributing to a specific aspect of the project. The different contribution from members of LEON’s team were consolidated into one final proposal outlining the overall objectives, goals and methodology to achieving the overall project targets.

In addition to the development and finalization of the project proposal, the Steering committee reviewed the proposed amendment prepositions presented by the National Elections Commission. These amendment prepositions were reviewed by LEON for over two weeks looking in details for similarities and differences to LEON’s proposed priority areas. The outcome after the full review process informed and strengthen LEON’s priority areas and set the basis for a well guided and sustainable advocacy process for electoral and constitutional reforms in the country.

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