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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




Smill on the faces of people with disability in Maryland county

In 2008 the UNCRPD came into being in Liberia before the establishment of UNCRPD, there had been total discrimination and marginalisation facing people with disability in the county until the UNCRPD came in to being specifically one of its article 4 which speaks about general obligation.

barriers had been affecting disable people negatively since the founding of maryland county until 2008 when disable people begin to enjoy freedom of movement, and participation in all county activities. In 2008 July 26 at the administrative building in Harper City serious advocay brought together heads of disable people, government and traditional leader to bring smill on the faces of people with disability. local authorities of Maryland county in collaboration with the authorities of the national UNION of organizations of the disable Maryland charter ends total discrimination against persons with disability. the both authorities work together to bring to an end laws mainly constitutional articles which were causing serious embarrassenment for person with disability including other traditional practices. during the life of these articles and traditional practices disable people were band of entertng setting places in the ruler area including other governmental gathering and meetings that disable people could not attend at that time.

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