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Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l'Ouest




The 5th international day of person with albinism

The CORPA Malian coalition of person with albinism celebrated 13th june, international day of person albinim at hôtel kimpeski of Bamako.

As part of the celebration of persons with albinism international day, the coalition of persons with albinism of Mali organized an awerness day. Mr Mamadou Sissoko the president of CORPA, took the speech by thanking participants ans showed their comittment in defending people with albinism in general in the world ans specially in Mali. They won some struggles since 2010 such as obtaining at the world level a resolution from United Nations and a day dedicated to raising awareness at albinism the 18th December 2014 and at continent level they got a regional action plan with an africain context that contributs to the enjoyment of all human rights of people with albinism.
This day was interesting because of some actions such as the freely dermatological and ophtalmic consultation and the distribution of sun glasses and sun creams to people with albinism. This day was rich in consultation but in sport they organized a soccer game between people with albinism.

Mariam Koumare

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